Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Longing for Spring

I have been feeling so blah lately... no ambition... short on ideas for my blogging. I am hoping it is just a momentary creative slump brought on by this very long winter. As you know yesterday was groundhog day and the two groundhogs that have been predicting spring for as long as I can remember... Punxsutawney Phil and Wiarton Willie, both saw their shadows and therefore that means we have six more weeks of winter left to enjoy. Except in our case up here in the frozen north, where we have eight to twelve more weeks of winter since that is pretty much the norm for here.
Nah... I am not bitter. Just bitterly cold!
Seriously, I am feeling quite cooped up and very tired and listless these days. We have been fortunate though to not have had any more major snowfall, since we were heavily hit in December with 59 inches of the white stuff and I don't mean cotton balls. Although we have remained snowless, we have been experiencing quite a few cold days but with that comes the sunshine and that definitely helps my mood. But still I am anxious for spring to arrive. To see the snow melt away and the grass begin to green up, the leaves on the trees begin to sprout, and all the lovely spring flowers poke their graceful heads out from beneath the cold and damp ground.... what a delicious dream.
I have already noticed the days getting longer. It is still fairly light at 5:00 now and even a little lighter at 6:00 than it was a month ago. That in itself gives me hope, although it makes me even more impatient for spring to arrive.
I have not been doing much this winter. As I mentioned I am feeling at loose ends. I should be doing something productive instead of hibernating but I can't seem to bring myself to do much of anything. I did get the house cleaned up and organized after Christmas and I am presently scanning some of my Mom's old photos from three of her photo albums which I "borrowed" to bring home and work on. I am saving the photos on my computer and will be organizing them soon and then hope to make back up CDs to store the photos. If anyone in the family is interested in copies I can email them.
Oh and I almost forgot....... the 1911 british census came online a few weeks ago and so I had fun perusing that which I intend on getting back to one day and see if I can come up with any more ancestors who were alive at that time.

Well.. that is my update for now. I hope to begin to feel more like blogging very soon and can come up with some interesting posts. I am also hoping to get more creative and start photographing more instead of looking for internet photos. By the way, these photos were all taken by local photographers here in Elliot Lake and they are posted on our local website... Elliot Lake Online. Once spring finally arrives I will be getting outdoors with my camera and try to capture springtime in all it's wonderful glory!

Thanks for visiting and I hope you will return on Thursday for another edition of "Thursday Thirteen". I will be doing a list of my favorite "C" things.

Ta Ta for now!

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