Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Love Beginning With The Letter "C"

Hi All.....
Today I have decided to do two lists. I am continuing on with my alphabet theme but am also going to do another theme.... the last 13 songs I listened to on my IPod. But first my "C" list.....

1. Corn on the Cob---- so yummy dripping with butter
2. Cloud Formations----I love to see different cloud formations in the sky. Great for photographing
3. Coffee----the best cup is the first one of the day which I wish was never ending
4. Carrot Cake----So decadent--- I make a pretty good home made version my Hubby loves
5. Chocolate---- What woman doesn't love chocolate
6. Christmas---- I love the idea of an old fashioned Christmas and the decorations and the food and getting together with family and friends
7. Clocks--- I love clocks, the way they add to different types of decor, I love the gentle tick tock which I find very relaxing when there is no other sound in the room. I have a gorgeous mantle clock that I just love which was a birthday gift from hubby one year
8. Computer---- I love my computer because it keeps me in touch with the rest of the world; I would be lost without it
9. Candles--- Oh my, I have a real love for candles and have so many I could open my own candle shop. Don't you just love the soft glow of candles?
10. Crab Cakes
11. Cereals--Cheerios, Cocoa Puffs, Cream of Wheat and so on.....
12. Cooking--- I love to cook when I have lots of time and can be creative, I love trying out new
recipes and love cooking for my family and friends.
13. Crafts---- I never used to be a crafty person but became interested in crafts just a few years ago. I have made a few things... I made a lovely picture which sits on my buffet, I made a mosaic table which is sitting proudly in my living room. I have surprised myself with what I can do.

The general theme of the "C" blog would be "Creativity".

Now... on to my list of the last 13 songs I listened to on my IPod.......
1. Might As Well Be On Mars...The Pukka Orchestra... from the 80s.
2. One---U2... the live version which is great
3. Have I told You Lately... Rod Stewart
4. Love is Coming... A Foot in Cold Water... Canadian band from the 70s
5. Strange Animal... Gowan... another Canadian band from the 80s
6. Cruel to Be Kind... Nick Lowe... 80s song
7. Beautiful Goodbye... Amanda Marshall... Canadian artist
8. Rain, the Park & Other Things...the Cowsills
9. Last Night I Didn't Get to Sleep at All... the 5th Dimension
10. With You I'm Born Again... Billy Preston & Syreeta
11. Still You Turn Me On... Emerson, Lake and Palmer
12. Little Sparrow... Dolly Parton
13. Mary Did You Know... Kalan Porter version... Canadian Idol a few years ago

And that does it for another week. Hope you find my lists interesting.
Happy 13!


threesidesofcrazy said...

After all that I'm craving carrot cake - my brain got stuck there! LOL Great lists.

Mia Celeste said...

Oh, I'm with you. I'm fond of corn on the cob, clouds, coffee, Christmas and my computer. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Great lists. Your C's had me drooling.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Mmmm. Carrot cake.

Great. Now I'm craving Taboule and carrot cake. What an odd combination!

Glad to see you drop in today; I hope you'll come back more often!

Janet said...

You know...I always had the feeling I wasn't very womanly; don't like soap operas...don't get all googly over babies...and if I never had chocolate again it wouldn't phase me in the least :-)

OMG the Cowsills! That's a blast from the past!

mielikki said...

I like all the C's, except the crab, you can keep that....
great list, happy Thursday! Thanks for coming to visit

Anonymous said...

Great list.

Heather said...

First, the "C" list - Love 1, 5, 6, 8 and 13 as well.

Second, the playlist - There are some interesting selections there. Sounds like your taste in music is as eclectic as mine!

Thanks for stopping by!

Michelle said...

Wonderful list. I love chocolate too. I can never get enough of the stuff. I also love your music list. Many great artist that I enjoy too. Thanks so much for stopping by. Happy TT!

Susan Cook said...

I love all those things that start with C. Especially corn on the cob. When it's in season, I can't get enough of it.

I never heard of a lot of those songs. Interesting.

Thanks for stopping by mine. Happy TT!

kandyblossom said...

I have fresh corn on the cob in the fridge and after reading this I now have decided I MUST have it for dinner.

Nice list. Happy TT!

Mary said...

I love how eclectic the music list is ... and I love 80s music! Great job on the C's. I think its really hard to come up with letter lists like that, and I think I like all of your C's as well.

Anonymous said...

You have to be cruel to be kind...

Also, C is for chocolate chip cookie. :)

The Bumbles said...

What Person, nevermind woman, doesn't like chocolate! (other than Janet apparantly).

Why did the poor crab cakes not get any commentary in your list?

Lori said...

No coffee on your list?? and chocolate was how far down? Shame on Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)

tommie said...

I think you had me at corn on the cob!

Thanks for visiting my t13

Cindy Swanson said...

Enjoyed both your lists! The first one made me cake...:)

On the second one, I also love "One" by U2, the greatest rock band of all time. And "The Rain, the Park and Other Things"...doesn't it make you think of Jim Carrey's dream sequence in "Dumb and Dumber"? Love it! :)

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my TT!

Forgetfulone said...

MMMM. Chocolate, Christmas, computer, and candles! I love those!

Barbara said...

Your mosaic table sounds very cool. Any chance of seeing a picture of it on your blog????