Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thursday-- Thirteen "The Letter B"

Okay... so here is my 'B' list of things I love.

1. Banana Bread
2. Blue Jays... the Bird
3. Blogging
4. Bruce... my significant other
5. the "Bob" Hairstyle
6. Bagels
7. Berenstain Teddy Bears
8. Books
9. Blue... the color... royal being my favorite shade of blue
10. Brothers... I have two and they are the best
11. Beauty which is in the eye of the beholder
12. Boughs of Holly
13. Bailey... my beloved yorkie who passed away last June

This was easier to do this week. I could have gone on and on! BOOYAH!


Kristen said...

I'm with you on banana bread,bagels and books (try saying that 3 times fast!). Great list. Looking forward to more of the alphabet!

orneryswife said...

What a great idea! I think, though, that coming up with 13 q or x words might be sort of tough. Happy TT!

Lori said...

Ah, Banana bread! I made some of that last week. Books, I'm always reading one. And Blogging, well, I guess that speaks for itself (smile).

My TT this week -- 13 Things I Assure You I Don't Want To See

Unknown said...

Great list. We have lots of the same likes. Happy T13!

CountryDew said...

Great list, and great idea for a TT when the muse has stopped talking!

kandyblossom said...

I always love these alphabet lists. I love, love, love bagels! Onion bagels with lots of cream cheese. Yum!

Sorry about Bailey.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Well done!! I love these alphabet 13s!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I can think of a couple good B words I love too, this is cute!

Anonymous said...

I love books, too. I am always reading something.

Anonymous said...

We agree on 6, 8 and 9. Probably on 1 as well.