Thursday, January 22, 2009

THURSDAY THIRTEEN--Thirteen Things I Love Starting with "A"

Hi and Welcome to!

What’s the Thursday 13?
The Thursday 13 is a weekly meme. Every Thursday you blog a list of 13 things. What kind of things? Any kind! Just come up with a list theme and run with it. One week you may list “13 things on my mind” and maybe the next week you’d list “my top 13 favorite movies”. Back in early 2007, Janet came up with the idea of going through the alphabet; “13 Things I Love that begin with the letter A”, etc. That gives you 26 weeks of ideas!

As a blogger sometimes ideas and inspiration wane, therefore in my travels I have come across this idea for Thursday postings........................

Thirteen Things I Love Starting With "A"

1. Abba
2. Apple Pudding
3. Aromatherapy
4. Angels
5. Appetizers
6. Apple Computers
7. Antiques
8. Autumn
9. Angela's Ashes (the movie/book)
10. Animals
11. Algonquin Park
12. Act II Popcorn
13. Art

Whew... that was harder than I thought!


Darla said...

I've done the alphabetical lists before, too--we do a TT on an email list I'm on, and the topic is usually a letter of the alphabet--they ARE a lot harder than they look. I always run out of ideas somewhere around #6. :)

Mia Celeste said...

That's an interesting list. Happy TT!

kandyblossom said...

Neat idea and a great list. I love some of those things too.

Happy T13!

Anonymous said...

Nifty ... I love Abba, angels, animals, and art too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Kristen said...

Good idea for a TT, will you do the entire alphabet? X is going to be hard.

Michelle said...

Great list for your TT. I love appetizers. Yummy. Thanks for stopping by.

Barbara said...

What a fun list and great idea for TT! I love listening to Abba. It really takes me back.

janetfaye said...

I love Banana Bread and Books too!