Saturday, November 22, 2008

First Blast of Winter 2008

I had a feeling our beautiful autumn was about to come to an end. I had hopes it would hold out for a couple more weeks but it wasn't to be. Last Wednesday we got hit with a vengeance. It started snowing in the early morning and continued all day and into the night.
I took photos from inside throughout the day. I couldn't believe how quickly it accumulated.
Bruce out shoveling. It won't be long before we have huge snowbanks like last year. We had our first snow November 25th last year and it stayed right through to April. I hope we have periods of melting throughout the winter this year.
It doesn't look as bad in photos as it did at the time from inside. And I know we didn't get as much as some other areas did this week. Like London Ontario where I heard they got up to three feet! Can you imagine?
But... this is more than enough for me! Thank you.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Brrr! It's cold here in New York too but we have had only a tiny bit of snow so far. Not looking forward to it!