When my Mother would get the jar out to find a button to sew on a garment I would take the jar and empty it out on the floor and admire all the pretty buttons. Some of them looked like precious gems and jewels to my childlike mind.
The jar also had a lovely musky scent to it. I am not sure what was in it before it became the button jar but I loved to inhale the fragrance. The name on the jar lid is Bonny Brae Brand. I did an internet search for this name but came up empty handed. Perhaps one of you might know what it was?
I never forgot that button jar and was delighted when my Mother gave it to me a couple of years ago. I am now it's proud owner and I remember some of those buttons which are still in there that I thought were gems.
They still are to me!
1 comment:
Hi Karen.
I've posted comnments twice, but they don't seem to work. Well, here goes try number 3.
I remember the button jar and the scent too! As I recall, malt was in those Bonny Brae jars. The malt was brownish, thick and sweet. I think you could eat it directly (like sweetened condensed milk!!) but I remember Grandma Walsh spooning it out, possibly for baking.
Maybe Mom remembers.
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