Monday, January 18, 2010

New Blogs to Follow

I am always interested in expanding my horizons and searching for new blogs to follow. I love seeing how other people live in places different from my own. I am a serious fan of home decor and am curious to the point of being downright nosy about how other people decorate in their homes. Not to mention I am a huge fan of HGTV (Home and Garden TV) and I spend most of my weekend mornings watching decorating shows, ignoring my own very long to do list. Nothing says delight as much as a successful home renovation. In someone else's home that is. I really don't know how they survive some of the stuff that happens in their journey to build the perfect room.
I find some awesome inspiration in other people's ideas and plans.

Anyway... back to the topic at hand. I am going to post four of the new blogs I have found that I plan on following. I found these new blogs at one of the blogs I currently follow. Thanks for the heads up!

Kate's Place

My Yellow House

Daisy Cottage

The Gardeners Cottage

I hope you will take a moment to go check these out.. maybe you will find a wee bit of inspiration.

Happy Monday Everybody!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out! That really helps when you first get started. I, too, am obsessed with home decorating but now I'm more obsessed with blogging! :)
I'm going to go through and see if you have posted a pic of your basement sale picture. Take care and talk soon.

Karen said...

Hi Sarah...
Thanks for coming to visit!!

I do not have that picture in my blog but you bet I will by the end of the week! Thanks again for the inspiration.

I will be a faithful visitor to your blog because it is just so great.

Anonymous said...

Karen, thanks so very much.I really appreciate it.It is really hard when you first start out!!I'm trying my best to get started.I'm not that great at the computer but each day it's getting a little better.I just love to decorate,it just makes me happy!!!I'll be visiting your blog for inspiration.......Kathy

Karen said...

Thanks Kathy! I will be visiting your blog too!