Thursday, August 21, 2008

Borrowed Ideas

I have to admit I have been feeling intimidated about writing a blog. I don't feel that my life is exciting enough to put out there for the world to read about. So I cheated and had a look again at Catharine's blog for ideas and I made a list. I don't think it is so bad to have a look at other people's blogs for inspiration... do you???

One of Catharine's ideas was "My Most Cherished Possessions". I am such a materialistic person that this one should be easy. I have tried over the years to simplify my life by disposing of some of my possessions. I think I have done fairly well. I got rid of a lot of stuff when we moved back to Ontario. This was mostly done in order to save money on the move.
It is a difficult thing to do... to sell, give away or just plain throw away items, even if they are not being used. Don't you know as soon as the item is gone, all of a sudden you need it. Go figure.
Anyway... most of what is gone I do not miss. I have continued to thin out my belongings and even had a yard sale... thanks to my neighbors, Debi and John, who did most of the planning. All I had to do was gather things to sell. And I did toughen up and found quite a bit to put out. But why is it that the house still looks as crowded as ever???

Back to the topic at hand..... my most cherished possessions..............................................................

Top of the list would be my family history scrapbooks. I have made up five large binders full of information, and photos, and documents such as birth, marriage, and death certificates and other items that I have found through my research the last seven years. It has been the most rewarding hobby I have ever undertaken.

My family has no heirlooms to speak of which is really unfortunate. I have come to love antiques and wish there were some passed down. I do have Bruce's Grandmother's cedar chest which his Mom gave to me. Bruce's Grandfather made it for her when they got married.... how romantic! I love having it. It sits in my upstairs hallway with a pine shelf above filled with my treasures.

Bruce bought me a mantle clock. I love clocks... I love the tick tock sound they make. I love the look of them.

I love my lamps. I can't seem to get enough of lamps and I keep buying new ones when I find one that strikes my fancy. I have some tiffany lamps and I really love lamps that glow amber.

I also love candles and have quite the collection of them.

I love my Mac. It's so great to have the technology to keep in touch with loved ones in various ways and to have all that information available at our fingertips. I don't know how I managed before computers.

I love my IPod. To have my entire collection of favorite music on one small player is just so wonderful.

I love my books... I love them so much I keep buying new ones. I had a lot of books when I was a child. When I was in public school there was a book club. We received a catalog every so often that we could order from. My Mom would let me order as many books as I wanted. I would be so excited when my order would arrive. Some of the titles of my books were "Harriett the Spy", "Gone Away Lake", "The Secret Language", "Emily of New Moon", "The Five Peppers" just to name a few of my favorites. I gave my collection away when I left home and now I regret doing that. I have since collected some of my favorites as I remember them, and when I can find them.

Well that is a pretty fair list of my cherished possessions. This was a good exercise to stop and think about the things that have special meaning to me.

Thanks again Catharine for the inspiration!


Debi said...

You have such a way with words...makes your blog fun and interesting!! Whenever you're ready for another yard sale.....let me know!!!

Catharine said...

The book club still exists. It was Lucky or Arrow from Scholastic. I still order from it, much to the dismay of Don since my children's book collection is over 2,000!

I think we are tied to our possessions because they remind us of memories, loved ones, and become part of our identity. There are some possessions that do not cost very much but they are priceless to me. I have a retirment box filled with notes, little gifts and cards that I plan on reading when I retire to remind me of those special moments in teaching.

Karen said...

Thanks Debi for your kind words... I am enjoying your blog as well!

Catharine... I am so excited to hear that the book club is still alive. They really were some of my happiest moments in public school. Oh wow... over 2000 books... that is something.
I would love to see your collection one day.

You are so right about our possessions reminding us of loved ones and memories. And that is why they are so special.

Thank you for your comments!