Monday, June 29, 2009

Video Chatting

For as long as I have owned my IMac computer I have had the capability of being able to video chat with my friends and family. But up until Saturday have never chosen to use this application. Why?
For a couple of reasons perhaps. One being I could never find any of my friends who felt comfortable to chat with me this way and secondly I think it is a little too George Jetson for an old fashioned gal like myself. Yeah right! LOL

My brother Mike and my sister-in-law Debbie were visiting with my Mom on the weekend and they set up her computer enabling this feature and then contacted me to practice chatting and also just to have a visit.
I had no advance warning of this and my hair was an absolute mess so I had to do a quick cover up and decided on such short notice a hat was in order. Of course the first thing they asked me was why I was wearing a hat in the house. I could have lied and told them the sun was coming in the skylight and I needed to practice safe sun but since they know I have no skylights I thought it best to tell them the truth. I did eventually very quickly remove my hat to demonstrate why I was wearing it and my brother in true Mike fashion made a sarcastic remark on the state of my hair.

I think that is the third reason I have never used video chat... I usually look a mess while in the comfort of my own home and hate to be caught with my pants down so to speak.

You would have to know my family to understand the chaos that ensues when we get together and this chat was no exception. Case in point... after Mike got the chat going he had my Mom sit down at the computer and he and Debbie stood behind her in the background pretending to kiss and carry on. Mom of course had no idea what was going on at first but when she finally noticed she turned around and remarked that they should get a room. This is the typical antics of my brother Mike.
It was a crazy hour full of everybody talking at once, taking turns getting in front of the webcam, making faces at each other and trying to get caught up with everybody and what they have been doing. My sister in law, Debbie is retiring this year from teaching after thirty some odd years and she has had a very whirlwind month of June full of parties and special gifts and excitement as well as some distressing hectic moments as well.

Congratulations Debbie on your retirement! Now you will have plenty of time to visit my blog.

Mike designed a beautiful hard cover book using his Mac to gather the photos and prepare the layout and then sent it away for printing, chronicling Debbie's years of teaching from graduation to present day. This is putting it mildly but Debbie loved it and this is classic Mike to do something so special and loving for her.

The chat was almost as wonderful as being there in the same room with them and having a face to face visit.

I wish I had taken advantage of this technological wonder much sooner! Now if I could only talk some of my friends into it, it would be the next best thing to being there.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

For Dog Lovers--Something to Brighten Your Day


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Just wanted to give a small update on the 24 hour blood pressure monitor. I surprised myself and got used to having it on very quickly and was quite relaxed most of the day. I really surprised myself when I managed to sleep through most of the night readings. I woke up just before 3 am and realized I had slept through the previous three readings. I slept fitfully from that point on but the machine didn't bother me much. I also got used to the squeezing feeling on my arm and didn't mind it as much as the day wore on.

I had it removed around 9:30 this morning and it turned out very well. I passed with flying colors. My blood pressure is well within normal ranges especially for a diabetic so I am quite pleased about that! One less river to cross.

Have a great day everyone and remember to take some time to smell the roses.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Challenge For Today

Today I am sporting a lovely 24 hour blood pressure machine. My doctor was concerned about my blood pressure reading the last time I saw him which is always high by the way because I have white coat syndrome... translated as irrational psychotic fear of anything medical. He therefore decided I should have a 24 hour blood pressure test done to determine if there is a real need for concern.
I am glad he is so thorough but so far this test is no fun. I had it installed at 9:30 this morning and will be done with it tomorrow at 9:00 am. It takes a reading every 20 minutes until 11:00 this evening and then only once every hour until morning. Bonus.... now I can only hope to get a bit of sleep. I can't imagine sleeping through a test. The cuff when it tightens feels like it is going to burst my arm open at the seams. I don't like the feeling, I never have and it contributes to my fears I think.
Diabetics have to be concerned about high blood pressure and here is why...........

High blood pressure is twice as likely to strike a person with diabetes than a person without diabetes. Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to increased risk for heart disease and stroke. In fact, a person with diabetes and high blood pressure is four times as likely to develop heart disease than someone who does not have either of the conditions.

Another reason to watch your health throughout your lifetime because nobody wants to have all these health concerns.

I will be so happy tomorrow morning when this test is over.