Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Tentative Return to Blogland

I am back... I think.
I needed to take a good long break since my diagnosis in early March of type 2 diabetes. I was totally blown away by the diagnosis having gone into emergency with a suspected bladder infection. I did have the infection but found out at the same time I am a diabetic. I was very dehydrated and ended up spending that day and overnight in the hospital. I was sent home the next day with my tools in hand... blood glucose monitor, test strips, a couple of prescriptions, and many questions and fears. It is really difficult to describe the feelings one has after getting a surprise diagnosis like this. In retrospect I guess I had been exhibiting the signs and symptoms of diabetes for some time but like a typical ostrich I had my head buried in the sand. I felt extremely overwhelmed and frightened and really had no idea where to begin to look after myself properly. Suddenly preparing a meal became a monumental task for me which I struggled with for a long time until I could calm down enough to realize it wasn't the ordeal I perceived it to be. I wasn't long at home when I became quite sick again and ended up back at emergency and back in the hospital, this time for three days. It turned out the infection was taking it's toll on me and the medication I had been prescribed for it wasn't working. This in turn was keeping my blood glucose levels way too high. No wonder I felt like crap! They finally got me going on a better antibiotic and changed my diabetes medications and sent me home again. This time I saw marked improvements day by day. Once the infection was gone I was able to concentrate on bringing my blood glucose levels down and keeping them down which is really an ongoing thing and will be for the rest of my life. In getting stronger it has enabled me to make some important lifestyle changes and begin researching on the internet and learning as much as I can. I am also experimenting quite a bit with exercise and diet modifications with the goal in mind to have to take as little medication as possible. I attend diabetic classes at the hospital, I have individual appointments with the hospital's diabetic nurse and the dietician and I will be seeing my doctor at least every three to four months. I will have to have blood work and urinalysis done that often for the rest of my life.
I have always been aware of diabetes... a good friend of mine when I was a teen was a type 1 diabetic and my Father was diagnosed a type 2 diabetic in his 70s. But it is different when it is you. I was not totally aware of the implications and health concerns that can go along with being a diabetic. There are worries of possible vision loss, amputations, kidney disease, heart disease and stroke among many other problems. Tight blood glucose control is key and to do this a very strict diet and exercise regime is necessary. Having likely been a diabetic for quite a while before my diagnosis could be a problem if any resulting damage has been done to any of my organs. So far no damage has been discovered which is good news.

Although being a diabetic has taken over my life completely I am finally able to resume the things I was enjoying before diagnosis. I hope to be able to educate a bit about diabetes using my blog without becoming too preachy. It is important to recognize the signs of diabetes and get tested.
Symptoms include
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Increased urination, especially at night
  • Weight loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Sores that do not heal
I had several of these symptoms which I attributed to other causes and just did not realize I should take them seriously. I hate to say it but I am thankful for that bladder infection because it likely saved my life.

I will be back soon to update on other happenings in my life! Until then.... be vigilant about your health... you only get one life to live... make the most of it.